Improvments on the Cart Page(Astra 3.9.0)

Improvments on the Cart Page(Astra 3.9.0)

We have improved the cart design significantly with this updated version of the Astra theme. This enhanced look will not only be user friendly but also aids in easy navigation. Here are the changes that we have made to the cart page of the Astra theme.

Modern cart layout

Activating this feature will significantly improve the look and feel of the cart layout. Here is how it will look on the front end.

Modern cart layout

Sticky cart total

Enabling this feature will ensure that the cart total remains fixed on it’s position while visitors can scroll down to check out the list of items added to the cart.

Sticky cart total

Real-Time Quantity Updater

This option lets you update the quantity of the products directly from within the cart. Here is how it works on the front-end.

eal-Time Quantity Updater
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