Hey Astra community!
Exciting news! Astra’s latest update, version 4.6.4, brings support for the rem unit in customizer typography settings.
Now, you can adjust font sizes using rem, offering enhanced flexibility and control over your website’s typography.
What’s a Rem Unit?
Rem stands for ‘root em,’ providing a relative measurement based on the root element’s font size. Utilizing rem ensures a consistent and scalable typography system across your entire website.
Here are some additional updates from the 4.6.4 release:
- Enhanced accessibility for search form input fields.
- Updated default design styling for better UI/UX in Secondary Buttons.
- Dynamically added alt tags to related post-featured images, addressing accessibility errors.
- The theme now supports WordPress embeds compatibility.
- Resolved EDD – PHP error with Uncaught Error: function ‘astra_edd_cart_header_configuration’ not found for old header setup.
- Deprecated warning Deprecated: preg_replace() on category archive page with PHP 8.1 or higher.
- Fixed Smooth Scroll to ID issues for inter-page navigation.
- Block Editor – Fixed gradient color picker bubble items that were not visible in a draggable state.
- Corrected accessibility input highlight color when WooCommerce is active.
Check out this article to learn more about Astra’s versatile typography settings.
Do feel free to reach out if you have any questions or encounter any issues with the update!
Upgrade to Astra 4.6.4 for an even better website experience! 🚀
Team Astra