Single Product Page Options in EDD Module of Astra Pro

Single Product – EDD Module Options

This is a premium feature available with Astra Pro Addon plugin. To use this Pro feature, you need to have the Astra theme along with the Astra Pro Addon installed on your website.

Also, make sure that you have the Easy Digital Downloads plugin installed and activated.

Read about the module here. And make sure that the Easy Digital Downloads Module is activated from Astra Options under the Appearance.

You can find the settings under Appearance > Customize > Easy Digital Downloads > Single Product.

Astra Pro - Easy Digital Downloads, Single Product Settings, Astra 3.0+

Below are the options that will work on the single product page – Customize > Easy Digital Downloads > Single Product

  • Disable Product Navigation: Remove the navigation from the bottom of the single product page.
  • Disable Add To Cart Button: Remove the Add To Cart button from the bottom of the single product page.


You can set the Colors for the Product Title, Price Color, and Content Color.


You can set the Typography for the Product Content from here.

Related: How to Create a Single Product WooCommerce Website

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