New: Header Builder
- Introducing a new visual Header Builder that gives a flexible and advanced header designing experience.
- It offers different layers for header – Above Header, Primary Header, and Below Header.
- You can drag-n-drop elements in different sections of the header. It gives you the freedom to place elements at any location in the header quickly.
- It offers different essential header elements like Button, HTML, Widget, Social Icon, Search, Menu, etc. So that you can add all the required information easily with few clicks.
- Get background and height options for Above, Below, and Primary header.
- Spacing options for each element in the header.
- You can design a completely different header for responsive devices with handy mobile header options.
- Refer to a detailed comparison of features available with Astra free and Pro. ( )
New: Footer Builder
- Introducing a new visual Footer Builder that gives the ability to design unique footers for your website.
- It offers different layers for the footer – Above Footer, Primary Footer, and Below Footer.
- You can drag-n-drop elements in different sections of the footer. It gives you the freedom to place elements at any location in the footer quickly.
- It offers different essential footer elements like Copyright, Button, HTML, Widget, Social Icon, Search, Footer Menu, etc. So that you can add all the required information easily with few clicks.
- It provides a flexible columns-based structure where you can select column count and column layouts. This lets you manage the footer look easily.
- Create responsive layouts for the footer.
- Spacing and alignment options for each element in the footer.
- Refer to a detailed comparison of features available with Astra free and Pro. ( )
Improvement: Improved Customizer
- Experience faster loading customizer. Astra customizer is now upgraded with ReactJS that gives a quick and swift customizer experience.
- For quick access and faster editing, customization options are segregated and served with two different tabs – General and Design.
- Now get a faster customizer preview than before. Header and Footer sections will be partially refreshed on any change in the customizer.