Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
June 25, 2019

Version 1.8.7


  • Delay in Navigation Menu appearance.
  • Infinite Scroll not working inside Archive Product Widget of Elementor.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
June 24, 2019

Version 2.0.0-beta.1


  • Live preview for Typography options.


  • Responsive Background color not working when the background image is used in the desktop device only.
  • Background Overlay Color value not inherited on Tablet and Mobile Device for Transparent Header.
  • Submenu spacing responsive value not working for Above and Below Header.
  • Active colors are not working on the iPad device for the submenu from the primary header.
  • Submenu background color not inherited for sticky-header when used with a flyout menu.
  • Responsive Menu Color options are not working for Transparent Header.
  • Toggle Button color is not working when Below Header merged with Primary Header.
  • Content section colors are not working on the mobile device for the Above Header.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
June 24, 2019

Version 2.0.0-beta.1


  • Introduced a Group Param for customizer Settings.


  • Reorganize the customizer options to reduce the number of sections needed to be navigated to when using customizer options.
  • Revamped customizer architecture make the customizer 60% faster.
  • Setup live preview for typography options to avoid page reloads.

Read more about the Beta Announcement Blog Post

Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
June 21, 2019

Version 1.8.6


  • Color options for LearnDash 3.0 template. ( See Doc )


  • Deprecated layout, typography options for LearnDash 3.0 template.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
June 21, 2019

Version 1.8.6


  • Deprecated layout options for LearnDash 3.0 template. ( See doc )

Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
June 6, 2019

Version 1.8.5


  • Sticky header not working with Mega Menu enabled.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
June 6, 2019

Version 1.8.4


  • Duplicate menu labels appearing in Primary Header when Sticky header is enabled.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
June 5, 2019

Version 1.8.3


  • Disable Execution of PHP Code in Custom Layouts using constant ‘ASTRA_ADVANCED_HOOKS_DISABLE_PHP’


  • The sticky header menu color not working when the menu color is set from Advance Header.
  • Mega Menu improper width on page load.
  • Sticky header menu color not working when menu color is set from Advance Header.

Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
June 5, 2019

Version 1.8.5


  • Introduced astra_fonts_display_property filter to allow users to modify the font-display property. ( See Doc )
  • Introduced astra_attr_main-header-bar Filter to add a title attribute to the Header background image as an alt text alternative. ( See Doc )
  • Introduced astra_site_tagline_tag Filter to change the tag of Site Tagline Markup. ( See Doc )


  • Elementor Products widget grid layout responsive design compatibility
  • Notice for HTTP_USER_AGENT when it is not set or filtered from firewall.
  • Display rating notice only to users with permission to install plugins.