Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
August 30, 2023

Version 4.3.0


  • Custom Layout – Introducing Custom Template feature.

    Earlier, using Custom Layout you were able to create a header, footer, search, and 404 page but now with the Custom Template feature extend this limit to creating single as well as archive templates.

  • Introduced option to change Header logo color while sticky.


  • Accessibility improvements for WooCommerce Pages.
  • WooCommerce – HPOS Compatibility.
  • WooCommerce – New Product Editor Compatibility.
  • Introducing new admin notice for incompatibility of the theme.


  • Custom Layout – Spectra’s dynamic CSS-JS assets loading even though the layout is disabled from the edit list.
  • Custom Layout – Layout hooked at ‘After Single Product Summary’ overlaps on the single product image and summary box.
  • Custom Layout – FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING deprecated notice.
  • WooCommerce – Elementor Pro’s Mini Cart Widget Conflicts With Astra Mini Cart Widget.
  • Header Builder – Menu – Parsing duplicate ID error for ‘primary-site-navigation’ and ‘ast-hf-menu-x’.
  • Header Builder – Account Login Popup’s UI breaking when Sticky Header is active with Hide on Scroll option.
  • Header-Footer Builder – Divider elements missing from the settings when old astra-settings getting imported.
  • File Generation – PHP warning while accessing cache files on some servers.
  • Compatibility with WooCommerce Min/Max Quantities plugin.
  • Compatibility with YITH Composite Products for Single Product Real Time Add to Cart.

Version 4.3.3

September 26, 2023


  • Custom Layout - Layouts missing on the frontend for logged-out users with update v4.3.2.

Version 4.3.2

September 22, 2023


  • Improved codebase for improved security. (Props - Patchstack)
  • Blog - Social sharing icons were incorrectly linking to Twitter for all platforms.

Version 4.3.1

September 11, 2023


  • Custom Layout - Option for dynamic content preview in single/archive template editor.
  • Header Builder - Account - Introducing new option for Account menu expansion "Hover" or "Click".


  • Introducing filter 'astra_addon_cl_ast_container_fullwidth' to make flex based ast-container full-width to resolve edge cases like Custom Template shrinks on archive pages.


  • Header Builder - Account - PHP warning 'Undefined variable $css_output_desktop' while generating dynamic CSS.
  • Mailchimp for WooCommerce radio select option is not clickable when Modern Input Fields is enabled.
  • Custom Layout - Meta options modal's UI adding extra space after WordPress-6.3.
  • Custom Layout - Archive templates get shrink due to flex-based CSS on the ast-container wrapper.
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Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
August 30, 2023

Version 4.3.0


  • Header-Footer Builder – Social – Enable Brand Color option on hover.


  • Introducing new admin notice for incompatibility of Astra Pro.
  • WooCommerce – Mini Cart – Cart price details do not update on the “Enter” keypress.


  • Header Builder – Menu – Parsing duplicate ID error for ‘primary-site-navigation’ and ‘ast-hf-menu-x’.
  • Header Builder – Normal header and transparent header height issue. Introduced new filter: ‘astra_site_svg_logo_equal_height’ to enable or disable this fix.
  • Header Builder – Menu – On desktop toggle submenu click it goes in an infinite scroll loop when Elementor is active.
  • Footer Builder – The widget section gets 3.5em bottom spacing which affects frontend UI.
  • FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING deprecated notice coming while saving post meta.
  • Horizontal line is not inheriting the global text colors when Elementor is active.
  • bbPress widget items loading in an infinite loop while rendering banner layout.
  • Desktop and mobile header visible together at tablet_breakpoint (921px default) on scaled screen resolutions.
  • WooCommerce – Sticky add to cart scroll is not working properly for mobile & tablet.
  • WooCommerce – Swap Images feature shows the uncropped image.
  • WooCommerce – Subpages of My Account dashboard menu do not update the page title according to the set menu.
  • WooCommerce – Elementor Pro’s Mini Cart widget conflicts with the Astra Mini Cart builder element.
  • WooCommerce – Left margin from the “Add to cart” button when Sold Individually option is selected.
  • WooCommerce – Shop Archive page Product Category Background color issue.
  • WooCommerce – PHP fatal error when ‘astra_enable_woocommerce_integration’ filter is used to disable Astra and WooCommerce extended integration. ( )
  • WooCommerce – Single Product – alt tag absent while rendering images for the WooCommerce payments.
  • WooCommerce – Cart button color setting is not working when a product is added to the cart.
  • WooCommerce – Default customizer layout setting not applied correctly for Single Product.
  • Customizer – Gradient picker breaking from responsive background control in WordPress 6.3.
  • Customizer – UI design tweak for the widget block editor.
  • Customizer – Widget Editor – Unable to scroll down to add blocks in the widget when header/footer builder area is active.
  • Block – Calendar widget block appearing with accent background color due to which date is not readable.
  • Block – List block widget showing list style type none instead of disc.
  • Block editor – Quote block text color does not match the set from the customizer.
  • Block editor – Group container inner blocks option is not disabled in the editor.
  • Block Editor – Query Loop Block – Tag ‘article’ inside ‘article’ getting extra spacing with Boxed layout.
  • Block Editor – Title visibility eye meta option not appearing in Firefox browser.
  • Appearing sub arrows under themes.php page for admin pages of other BSF plugins like Sidebar Manager, Adobe Typekit Fonts etc.
  • Default layout should be Fullwidth (formerly Full-width Stretched) when creating a new Elementor Page.

Version 4.3.1

September 4, 2023


  • Block - Lists block style type updated to "disc" after v4.3.0 update.
  • Block Editor - Text color not inheriting as per the settings saved in customizer.
  • Single - Banner's custom background not working for Layout 1.
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Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
August 14, 2023

Version 4.2.0


  • Introducing Revamped Container Layout Options: ‘Normal’, ‘Narrow’, ‘Fullwidth’. (Learn More)

    Earlier, we offered five different layouts, namely: Fullwidth Contained, Fullwidth Stretched, Boxed Layout, Content Boxed, and Narrow Layout.

    Now, with the latest release, we have simplified them to only three: Normal, Narrow, and Fullwidth Layouts. The new layouts are intuitive to use, avoid complexity, and provide users with more clarity while managing the Container Layouts.

  • Introducing new Container Style Options: ‘Boxed’, ‘Unboxed’. (Learn More )

    We have a brand new option called the Container Style, which will provide the users the ability to customize the look and feel of the containers.

    It comes in two modes: Boxed and Unboxed. The Boxed Option applies a “Boxed” background and boundary to the container, whereas, on the contrary, the Unboxed Option provides a clean “Unboxed” look without any background or boundaries.

    The Container Style is fully flexible and can be combined with the layouts and the Sidebar Style Option.

  • Introducing new Sidebar Style Options: ‘Boxed’, ‘Unboxed’. (Learn More)

    We also have another new option called the Sidebar Style. It provides the users the capability to customize the look and feel of the sidebar.

    It too comes in two modes: Boxed and Unboxed.

    The Boxed Option applies a “Boxed” background and boundary to the sidebar, whereas, on the contrary, the Unboxed Option provides a clean “Unboxed” look without any background or boundaries.

    The Sidebar Style is fully flexible and can be combined with the layouts and the Container Style Option. Unboxed:


  • Title enable/disable option not appearing in block editor in few edge cases with WordPress-6.3.

Version 4.2.2

August 22, 2023


  • Introduced new site logo color option.

    We are pleased to announce that we are introducing new color option for your site logo under Header Builder - Site Identity - Design. Similarly you can also update the Header Logo color for Transparent header.


  • Header Footer Builder - Added new social profile "Threads".
  • Values in customizer spacing controls should be unlinked if provided values are different.
  • Guillemet symbol ">>" from "Post Comment" removed for better UI.
  • New dashboard CTA banner for Starter Template installation.
  • Synced comments-area border color with customizer border color setting.
  • Accessibility improvements for WooCommerce pages.


  • "Post Comment" button & Search button does not inherit customizer global button stylings.
  • On home page & front page there is h1 tag assigned for site title.
  • Footer Builder - Menu - Zero '0' value not accepting in Menu Space.
  • Customizer - Typography font variation select dropdown gets cropped in font settings.
  • Related Posts - Meta's author link is incorrect for other than admin created posts.
  • Customizer - Typography - Font weight select dropdown gets blank after selecting font-family & font-weight "inherit".
  • Spectra - Table of Content's anchor links jerks when "Smooth Scroll to ID" option enabled from customizer.
  • Blog: Pagination - Next Page and Previous Page pagination links jumps on mobile view on focus.
  • Editor - Theme preview starter-content button not aligned properly in the editor.
  • WooCommerce - Widget title size and color issue on all WooCommerce pages.
  • Block editor - Applying font-extras customizer settings to paragraph block (Line-height, Text Transform, Text Decoration, Letter Spacing).
  • Spectra Compatibility - Customizer spacing options overriding Spectra's block spacing.
  • Customizer - Gradient picker shrink in size under color-group background controls.
  • WooCommerce - Slide in cart action for Add to Cart button does not work.

Version 4.2.1

August 15, 2023


  • PHP error while parsing container layout dynamic CSS under PHP-7.2 version.
  • Block editor - Undefined JS error while accessing post title visibility meta.
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Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
July 19, 2023

Version 4.2.0-beta.1


  • Introducing Revamped Container Layout Options: ‘Normal’, ‘Narrow’, ‘Fullwidth’. (Learn More)

    Earlier, we offered five different layouts, namely: Fullwidth Contained, Fullwidth Stretched, Boxed Layout, Content Boxed, and Narrow Layout.

    Now, with the latest release, we have simplified them to only three: Normal, Narrow, and Fullwidth Layouts. The new layouts are intuitive to use, avoid complexity, and provide users with more clarity while managing the Container Layouts.

  • Introducing new Container Style Options: ‘Boxed’, ‘Unboxed’. (Learn More )

    We have a brand new option called the Container Style, which will provide the users the ability to customize the look and feel of the containers.

    It comes in two modes: Boxed and Unboxed. The Boxed Option applies a “Boxed” background and boundary to the container, whereas, on the contrary, the Unboxed Option provides a clean “Unboxed” look without any background or boundaries.

    The Container Style is fully flexible and can be combined with the layouts and the Sidebar Style Option.

  • Introducing new Sidebar Style Options: ‘Boxed’, ‘Unboxed’. (Learn More)

    We also have another new option called the Sidebar Style. It provides the users the capability to customize the look and feel of the sidebar.

    It too comes in two modes: Boxed and Unboxed.

    The Boxed Option applies a “Boxed” background and boundary to the sidebar, whereas, on the contrary, the Unboxed Option provides a clean “Unboxed” look without any background or boundaries.

    The Sidebar Style is fully flexible and can be combined with the layouts and the Container Style Option. Unboxed:


  • Migrating container & sidebar layouts to new revamped settings for better user experience. (Learn More)

    After updating to the newly released Beta Version, Astra will automatically update the existing container layouts and migrate to the new options based on your existing site’s customizations. Please also note that going forward, we have provided backward compatibility for the sidebar with the Fullwidth Layout. Meaning, for the existing users upgrading to the latest version, the sidebar will remain intact with the Full-Width (Earlier called Full-Width Stretch) Layout but will not be supported anymore for the new users of Astra.

Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
March 28, 2023

Version 4.1.0



  • Hardened the security.
  • Compatibility with WordPress-6.2.
  • Starter Templates admin menu nav-link removed when Whitelabel is enabled.
  • Improved accessibility for header menu navigation.


  • Customizer – Typography and Button Preset options selected preset not highlighting and reset button not functioning.
  • Author Info box is visible multiple times and goes into infinite loop in case of BBPress.
  • W3 validation – Builder – Menu – Duplicate IDs for responsive devices.
  • Block editor – Image breaking outside the entry container when left/right aligned.
  • WooCommerce – Real Time Quantity Updater not working in case of shortcode used.
  • WooCommerce – CSS overriding Global H2 tag font size WooCommerce pages.
  • Customizer – Global buttons text and background hover color not working in customizer preview.
  • Customizer – Global outline button styling not reflecting in block editor for some cases.
  • Footer builder – Widgets dynamic CSS gets added multiple times on the frontend.
  • WooCommerce – Error, info content messages UI breaking on the frontend.
  • Builder – Off-canvas menu – Dropdown menu arrow icon is misplaced in case of toggle for desktop.
  • Spectra Compatibility – Spectra spacing options for applying custom margin and padding not working.
  • Content background color does not apply to Author Box in customizer preview.
  • Cost Calculator Builder – compatibility range slider.
  • Disable the title from Elementor setting is not working as expected.
  • Footer menu alignment issue for responsive devices.
  • Inside container spacing for single posts affecting the related posts section.
  • PHP error ‘Uncaught TypeError: ltrim()’ for getting taxonomy term link.
  • Single post title transformed to capitalize with 4.0 update.
  • WooCommerce – Console throwing an event listener error when a product has only 1 item in stock.
  • Customizer – Typography and Button Preset options selected preset not highlighting and reset button not functioning.
  • WooCommerce – Buttons does not inherit global button styling from the theme customizer. ( )

Version 4.1.8

August 10, 2023


  • Title enable/disable option missing in block editor with WordPress-6.3.
  • Content layouts not working realtime in block editor with WordPress-6.3.

Version 4.1.7

August 7, 2023


  • Compatibility with WordPress-6.3.

Version 4.1.6

July 5, 2023



  • Header Builder - Menu - Item Divider doesn't work on the last submenu item.
  • Author Link not working on layout 2 for single post title.
  • WooCommerce - Sticky Header feature is overwritten by the Checkout dropdown fields.
  • Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: On frontend and customizer.
  • Applied bottom spacing creates big gap with paragraphs from list block in entry-content.
  • WooCommerce - Quantity not updating properly when ajax add to cart is used on shop page.
  • Related Posts - Read more CTA having "http://" prefix with target attribute.
  • WooCommerce - Slide-in cart automatically trigger while saving changes in Elementor editor.
  • Incompatibility with latest PHP v8.x versions.
  • Post title & Featured image is not visible while editing in Elementor with banner layout 2.
  • The Sticky Add to cart feature not working in the RTL version of the website.
  • Secondary menu SVG alignment on tablet/mobile including RTL version.
  • Single product payment icons misalignment on Safari browsers (Mac and iOS).
  • Blog - Read time option visible with free theme but not working.

Version 4.1.5

May 17, 2023


  • Offcanvas Menu - Transparent empty canvas visible on expanding offcanvas toggle button.
  • Custom Layouts - Block editor core blocks custom spacing incorrectly applies to custom layout blocks in editor.

Version 4.1.4

May 9, 2023



  • Theme package size has been optimized from 9MB to under 6MB.
  • Added WPML translation support for Pro Custom Layout's Layout, Display-Exclusion rules, Users rule options.
  • Introduced filter 'astra_header_profile_gmpg_link' to remove gmpg link from webpage for GDPR.


  • Spectra's Tab anchor links jerks when "Smooth Scroll to ID" option enabled from customizer.
  • WooCommerce - Cart - Realtime quantity updater not working on change of input box when Mix Match plugin is activated.
  • Breadcrumb content text-decoration style not working for active menu link.
  • WooCommerce - Cart - PHP error "can not redeclare astra_cart_position function".
  • Header Builder - Off-canvas - Getting white flash jerk when closing offcanvas toggle menu.
  • WooCommerce - Pagination does not work for WooCommerce Categories without Subcategories if displaying subcategories on products.
  • Double border-top applied for footer in customizer preview.

Version 4.1.3

April 6, 2023


  • Container - Content Boxed layout removes Spectra column or container left padding.
  • Offcanvas - Due to clickable hidden area toggle buttons don't work in RTL mode.
  • Header Builder - Cart - On adding product to cart, quantity plus & minus buttons gets disappear.
  • Topic tags div visible multiple times and goes into infinite loop in case of BBPress.
  • Offcanvas - Builder component popup overlaps on customizer controls section.
  • WooCommerce - Widget's dropdown arrow is moving to top corner.
  • Header Builder - Cart - Slide cart goes blank when Elementor Pro is active with latest version.
  • get_the_excerpt() callback breaks the functionality of external plugins like BuddyPress Registration, Five Star Restaurant Reservations, Formidable Form.

Version 4.1.2

March 29, 2023


  • Post content shrinks on one side for the blog archive.
  • Menu - CSS menu arrow icons are coming along with SVG icons.
  • Menu - Submenu arrows are hidden in case of SVG icons are disabled.

Version 4.1.1

March 28, 2023


  • Single Post - Related Post Title Font Size is not working for responsive devices.
  • PHP notice "Warning: Array to string conversion" while parsing button styling CSS.
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Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
March 28, 2023

Version 4.1.0



  • Hardened the security.
  • Compatibility with PHP-8.1.
  • Compatibility with WordPress-6.2.
  • Single Post – Moved author info box before post navigation.
  • Accessibility for header mega menu navigation.
  • Button – Slider input field for sticky header’s border-radius control changed to spacing control to manage all direction sizes easily.
  • Custom Layout – Provided actions support of banner title area for single post & archive.


  • Login popup issue when Sticky header with slide animation is enabled.
  • Sidebar design tab in customizer does not show up when “Colors & Background” addon is disabled.
  • W3 validation – Builder – Menu – Duplicate IDs for responsive devices.
  • WooCommerce – Stripe Google pay button is not working on two-column checkout layout page.
  • Custom Layout – Specific selection rule not working correctly if multiple specific selections added in rule engine.
  • Sticky logo width option is not working with Enable Shrink Effect.
  • Custom Layout – content_top and content_bottom hook’s layout misaligned on the frontend.
  • WooCommerce – Quick view does not work with infinite scroll.
  • Page Header showing author HTML markup on frontend on author archive page.
  • Page Header – Showing PHP notice for ‘Function astra_addon_get_template was called incorrectly’ on WooCommerce single products.
  • Select option hidden when dropdown to button option is active for a WooCommerce Composite Product.
  • WooCommerce – Shop – Sorting Filters not working with Shop Card Design Layout 2 on Mobile View.
  • Custom Layout & Page Headers admin – Edit content list posts gets overlapped with WordPress admin footer.
  • Inside container spacing for single posts affecting the related posts section.
  • WooCommerce – Variation Button does not work in Quick View modal.

Version 4.1.7

August 10, 2023


  • Compatibility with WordPress-6.3.

Version 4.1.6

July 5, 2023


  • WooCommerce - Added Sale badge color change option for shop card modern design.


  • Updated the license deactivation setting notification icon from admin panel.
  • Loaded WP admin-bar related compatibility css only if user is logged in.
  • Added a new filter 'astra_font_line_height_unit' to adjust the unit for line height. ( )
  • Custom Layout - Improvised layout editor icons with better UI.
  • Added font-size support till 200px in customizer typography options.


  • WooCommerce - Column setting not working on single product page for display recently viewed products.
  • Mega menu icon styling is not applying on tablet/mobile.
  • WooCommerce - Console error on checkout order review page.
  • WooCommerce - Checkout Order Review Page Does not Appear for Mobile/Tablet when the Modern Checkout is enabled.
  • Custom Layout - Edit layout Screen does not work with Beaver Builder when classic editor is active.
  • Custom Layout - Embed video block not working on front end.
  • Nav Menu - Mega menu not working with RTL language setup on the frontend.
  • License activation link not working on admin Custom Layout & Page Headers page.
  • Console warning regarding the incorrect use of element and improved compatibility with accessibility tools.
  • WooCommerce - Fatal Error on Modern Checkout Page after Adding New Field with YITH WooCommerce Checkout Manager Plugin.

Version 4.1.5

May 9, 2023


  • Nav menu - Optimized number of database call to fetch megamenu item details.


  • WooCommerce - Console error from horizontal slider & vertical slider product gallery.
  • LearnDash - "Enable Distraction Free Learning" option missing from the customizer General settings.
  • Custom Layout - PHP code snippet with function calls throws PHP error "can not redeclare the function".
  • Single Post: Apply Custom Sizes option missing from Customizer > Blog > Single Post section.
  • Single Post: Custom featured image size is not working with dynamic post banner area.
  • Spectra block dynamic styles missing on auto loaded previous posts.
  • WooCommerce - Enabling filter with flyout produce eventlistner error on console.
  • Sidebar title font is not working for product page.
  • Fixed lost password link for multilingual sites by using wp_lostpassword_url() function.
  • Header Search - Placeholder text appears twice in full screen search & header cover search style.

Version 4.1.4

April 6, 2023


  • Header Builder - Site Logo becomes too small for the sticky header.
  • Custom Layout - Code editor strips out the code while saving and not working properly on frontend too.
  • Search - Inline search box misaligned with respect it's search icon position.

Version 4.1.3

March 30, 2023


  • WooCommerce & WordPress marketplace users getting subscription notification when plugin purchased from Brainstorm Force store.

Version 4.1.2

March 29, 2023


  • Backward managing cron run into infinite loop which exhausted CPU usage on server.
  • PHP notice "Uncaught error array_map() requires 2nd parameter as array" while saving code editor from Custom Layout.
  • PHP error "Uncaught Error: Call to a member function is_type() on string" for WooCommerce product.
  • PHP error "Uncaught Error: class Astra_Notices not found" in some cases.

Version 4.1.1

March 28, 2023


  • PHP error "Uncaught Error: Access to undeclared static property" for clonned header builder button's padding.
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Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
January 12, 2023

Version 4.0.0


  • Redesigned the entire admin area with better user experience. ( )
  • Redesigned the entire mega menu area with better user experience. ( )
  • White Label – Agency icon field for re-branding software.
  • Introduced admin bar quick links for easy navigation to edit Custom Layout & Page Header posts.
  • Nav Menu – Custom icon & position support for mega menu items.
  • Nav Menu – Enhanced options to customize the color and the background inside the mega menu.
  • Nav Menu – Introducing divider color and styles for mega menu items.


  • Sidebar design tab in customizer does not show up when Colors & Background is disabled.
  • Custom Layout – Specific selection rule not working correctly if multiple specific selections added in rule engine.
  • WooCommerce – Shop – Content inside filter clipping when filter accordion is enabled.
  • Single post – Top-Bottom inside container spacing is not work on mobile devices.
  • Header Builder – Menu – Dropdown Menu on mobile device is not scrollable when Sticky Header is activated.
  • PHP error when bsf-analytics data submitted for breadcrumb-position.
  • Site title and tagline not displaying on Sticky Header after uploading different logo for sticky header.
  • Blog/Archive – Enable/disable for Blog title & post meta does not work for blog layout 2 & 3.
  • Scroll to top trigger position gets misaligned with padded layout.
  • Sticky Header – Due to assigned custom margin to header, it gets misaligned.
  • WooCommerce – Product catalog filter is not showing properly on mobile devices when modern layout is active.
  • When WPML Multilingual CMS plugin is active custom Page Headers are not visible/working.
  • WooCommerce – Variable product is not working with quick view.
  • WooCommerce – Product gallery is not working in quick view.
  • WooCommerce – Getting console error on product category pages when infinite scroll pagination-type is selected.
  • Header Builder – Account – Text font family not working on the frontend.
  • Custom Layout – Nested custom layouts not working on the frontend.

Version 4.0.1

January 19, 2023


  • Page Header showing author HTML markup on frontend on author archive page.
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Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
January 12, 2023

Version 4.0.0



  • Moved Scroll to Top pro extension from addon to theme. ( )
  • Redesigned customizer typography control’s UI for better experience.
  • Customizer typography & color defaults updated to get better UI experience for fresh setup.
  • Introduced new filter ‘astra_global_color_palette’ to extend default color palette settings.
  • Block Editor – Editor experience improved in relation with the frontend.
  • Responsive toggle selection customizer options replaced with new multi-selector control for better experience.
  • Performance related customizer options moved to new admin dashboard under Settings tab.


  • Customizer’s responsive font-size control UI is misaligned.
  • Off-canvas – Full screen – Mobile Menu gets very long scroll when Elementor plugin is activated.
  • Full Width/Contained layout Layout is showing extra padding above in the Transparent Header.
  • Block editor – Getting “ ‘core/editor’ )getBlocks()” console warning in editor as being deprecated in WordPress version 5.3.
  • Block editor – Button background color gets overridden by core styles for Legacy block editor setup.
  • Elementor Global button style overrides theme’s submenu button style.
  • Getting console error in customizer when trying to update footer columns.
  • Block editor – Color gradient angle input field not visible in the block settings.
  • Block editor – Content background gets explicitly set to white in responsive view.
  • WooCommerce – Sticky add to cart is not working on old header footer.
  • Margin applying for the last child ‘li’ tag inside widget section.
  • Block editor – Button background color gets overridden by core styles for the Legacy block editor setup.
  • Customizer – Content background color reflections not working in customizer preview.

Version 4.0.2

January 19, 2023


  • Filter 'astra_single_banner_post_meta' for single post meta markup has been deprecated instead use 'astra_single_post_meta'.


  • get_option database call increase page loads for fetching theme options.
  • exclude_from_search query parameter removed from get_post_types list to get CPTs under Customizer > Custom Post Types section, case of CartFlows Step custom post type.
  • Archive - Title area 2 - Archive type title gets added as prefix on archive pages.
  • Text transformed to 'capitalize' for single post titles & archive titles after 4.0.0.
  • Single Post - "Read Time" option missing from metadata.
  • Comment form fields should be stack on responsive devices.
  • iframe breaks out of parent container on responsive devices.
  • UI glitch typography input box control on Firefox browser.
  • Multiple times fetching custom post types list callback executes for dynamic customizer.
  • Theme preview showing title area on the banner section for the homepage.
  • Importing wp-starter-content template on fresh setup overriding the existing site title.
  • Dynamic customizer - Single-archive section titles and taxonomy meta names getting by its slug name instead of title.
  • Admin dashboard's Site Identity quick setting link redirecting to Header Builder > Logo section instead of redirecting to Site Identity section.

Version 4.0.1

January 13, 2023


  • Introducing filter 'astra_dynamic_get_post_types_query_args' for getting post types list to load further dynamic sections in customizer.


  • Header Builder - Visibility control options missing from header sections & respective element sections.
  • Header Builder - Header or the elements on the frontend gets hide directly if previously back in past it got disabled temporary.
  • Header Builder - Account - PHP error E_PARSE gives syntax error for customizer configurations.
  • Smooth scroll to ID - Navigation hash link which redirect to other page's section is not clickable.
  • Archive type title gets added as prefix on archive pages.
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Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
July 21, 2022

Version 3.9.0


  • Redesigned the entire customizer UI for better user experience.
  • WooCommerce – General – Quantity Plus Minus Button Options With Multiple Designs.
  • WooCommerce – General – Modern Input skin type.
  • WooCommerce – General – Ajax based quantity selector.
  • WooCommerce – General – Introduced Color and background option for Sale badge.
  • WooCommerce – Shop – Added new modern view option for shop style.
  • WooCommerce – Shop – Introduced unique filter panel design.
  • WooCommerce – Shop – Introduced sticky shop filter sidebar option.
  • WooCommerce – Shop – Added accordion compatibility for WooCommerce filter widgets.
  • WooCommerce – Shop – Added Flyout and Collapsible option for WooCommerce filters panel.
  • WooCommerce – Single Product – Added sticky add to cart on single product.
  • WooCommerce – Single Product – Product tabs heading – Product tabs heading – Added normal, hover, and active text color support.
  • WooCommerce – Single Product – Added Color and Typography options for Category text.
  • WooCommerce – Single Product – Added Enable/Disable Quantity Plus-Minus sign option.
  • WooCommerce – Single Product – Added Option to Add Extra Product Description.
  • WooCommerce – Single Product – Introduced tab style presets for product details. ( Accordion / Distributed ).
  • WooCommerce – Single Product – Introduced previous-next product preview option on navigation hover.
  • WooCommerce – Single Product – Payment options list in single product structure.
  • WooCommerce – Single Product – Introduced sticky product summary option.
  • WooCommerce – Single Product – Toggle to Convert Variation select dropdown to buttons UI on Single Product page.
  • WooCommerce – Added Multistep Navigation for Cart, Checkout and Order Received pages.
  • WooCommerce – Cart – Modern Cart Layout.
  • WooCommerce – Cart – Sticky Cart total on scroll on WooCommerce cart page.
  • WooCommerce – Checkout – Modern Layout.


  • Single Product – Option to Show/Hide Category on WooCommerce single product page.
  • Single Product – Product gallery Layout options ( First Image Large / Vertical Slider / Horizontal Slider ).
  • Single Product – Product Navigation color options ( Normal & Hover ).


  • Related Products & Upsell columns not working on responsive devices.

Version 3.9.4

December 8, 2022


Version 3.9.3

November 10, 2022


  • Header Builder - Menu - Filter to add mega menu compatibility with registered nav menus. ( )
  • Custom Layout - Custom action hook support added to trigger layout content or snippet on a specific location.
  • WooCommerce - Single Product - Recently viewed product feature.
  • WooCommerce - Checkout - Back to cart button feature.


  • Custom Layout - Redesigned admin posts list & editor meta settings with better UI/UX.
  • WooCommerce - Removed jQuery dependency from Quick View addon.
  • Introduced action 'astra_checkout_login_field_before' to trigger custom snippet before WooCommerce checkout's login fields.
  • Introduced action 'astra_checkout_login_field_after' to trigger custom snippet after WooCommerce checkout's login fields.
  • Added notice to install Astra theme if plugin directly starts. (Props -
  • WooCommerce - Single Product - Selected active variant style design updated via filter 'astra_addon_update_wc_variant_style'.
  • Page Header - Repeated target rule error notice type changed to warning notice type with disabling the trigger.


  • WooCommerce - Single Product - Payment list styling is broken inside the quick view popup.
  • WooCommerce - My Account - Placeholder added if product image is not available on the order and download section.
  • WooCommerce - Composite product plugin compatibility on a single product.
  • WooCommerce - Updated Related and Upsell products sub-option dependency.
  • WooCommerce - Border removed on single product gallery sliders.
  • Custom layout content before not working with the WPML targeted pages.
  • WooCommerce - Quick view console error on all pages.
  • Header Builder - Menu - Megamenu container get hides when hovering in between Top Offset spacing.
  • W3 validation - WooCommerce - Quick view and Checkout's Apply Coupon text having accessibility issues.
  • Fatal error 'Uncaught TypeError in Count function' for invalid argument issue on the frontend for cache files, in some rare cases.
  • WooCommerce - Checkout - Password required when guest checkout is active.
  • Header Builder - Menu - Active colour from sticky header options not applying to menu items.
  • Custom Layout - Inside post/page content displays multiple times with entry content hooks used.
  • WooCommerce - Remove product icon misalignment issue on the cart page with the safari browser.
  • Builder - Account Element - Changed direction for submenu opening does not work for account menu. ( )
  • WooCommerce - Single Product - The product gallery looks improper when a single product layout builds using a theme builder layout and the first image large gallery option selected from the customizer setting.
  • Footer Builder - Divider Element - Hide on Desktop option is not working.
  • WooCommerce - Off-Canvas Sidebar Filters - Close link trigger is not crawlable due to javascript:void(0) href.
  • Header Builder - Menu - Sub-menu background colour overrides the border-radius of the submenu in the customizer.

Version 3.9.2

September 7, 2022


  • WooCommerce - Checkout - Order summary & payment box background color options.


  • Introduced filter 'astra_addon_override_single_product_layout' to enable/disable vertical & horizontal slider gallery layout in case if Single Product layout built using any page builder themer.
  • Action 'astra_addon_woo_quick_view_before' for firing before Quick View popup trigger.
  • WooCommerce - Introduced new JavaScript event 'astraInfinitePaginationLoaded' after shop infinite pagination loaded.


  • WooCommerce - Single Product - Default variation option not working with Change Dropdown to Buttons option in variable type product.
  • WooCommerce - Single Product - Gallery thumbnail slider not in sync when product variations changes.
  • WooCommerce - Checkout - String 'Customer information' is not translatable.
  • WooCommerce - Checkout - Email validation not working for non admin users when trying to login through the checkout page when the modern layout is active.
  • WooCommerce - My Account - Download items UI gets messed up in modern layout.
  • WooCommerce - Checkout - Login button font-size does not match with their surrounding label in modern checkout style.
  • WooCommerce - Checkout - Country/Region misalignment in checkout form on single country selection when modern input style enabled.
  • WooCommerce - Single Product - Misalignment with quantity updater when vertical style is applied.
  • WooCommerce - Shop - Product cards box shadow not working when old header footer is active.
  • WooCommerce - Single Product - Product gallery missing when single product layout build using theme builder layouts.
  • WooCommerce - Removing white background color being added to minicart icon when style is selected as outline.
  • WooCommerce - 'View Cart' secondary link is hidden when product added to that cart from the single product page.
  • WooCommerce - Shop - Active filter misalignment on the frontend.
  • WooCommerce - Modern Checkout layout support for Germanized for WooCommerce plugin.
  • Showing deprecated function warning on frontend after installing Elementor with theme.
  • Customizer range slider control not accepting decimal values for 'em' unit.
  • Need to double click for dropdown menu to open sub-menus on desktop in rare cases.
  • Blog - Infinite scroll is not working with Custom Post types.
  • W3 validation - aria-label attribute is missing for button in Full search style.
  • Updated product columns option dependency on individual Related and Upsell enable setting.

Version 3.9.1

July 29, 2022


  • Mobile menu flyout mode not working properly when old Header layout is active.
  • WooCommerce - Button variation is displaying the old deleted product attributes on single product.
  • WooCommerce - Shop active filter toggle not working properly due to incorrect customizer option handle.
  • Theme version rollback does not work on the initial page load of Astra Options.
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