Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
March 12, 2019

Version 1.7.1


  • Custom Layouts – Hook name not being displayed in the admin area when editing the custom layout.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
March 8, 2019

Version 1.7.1


  • AMP – Fix usage of amp-state component to be inside tag. (Props –
  • Possible fatal error for some users if Spectra is also activated.
  • Extra > being displayed in the footer widget area.
  • Margin from the title meta was removed if only the title is enabled from customizer.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
March 7, 2019

Version 1.7.0



  • Improvements: Accessibility – Keyboard navigation not working for menu in the sticky header.
  • Improvements: Above Header & Below header text/html preview.


  • Fix: WooCommerce – Invalid Product notice issue.
  • Fix: Lightbox issue with custom layout(Image size issue).
  • Fix: Gutenberg – container color does not work on pages freshly created.
  • Fix: Infinite scroll issue with product catalog option of WooCommerce.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
March 7, 2019

Version 1.7.0



  • Fix: Upload New Theme button not working when Astra Theme is activated.
  • Fix: Gutenberg – Container color does not work on pages freshly created.
  • Fix: Block Quote border color issue in Gutenberg back end and front end.
  • Fix: Extra Padding bottom being applied to blog post meta even if it is disabled from post meta.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
February 21, 2019

Version 1.6.14


  • Whitelabel – Allow white label strings to be updated using PHP constants. (See Doc)


  • Whitelabel – Replace links in customizer with white-labeled links.
  • Whitelabel – Replace plugin strings on the updates page.
  • Whitelabel – Replace Theme strings on the Themes page and update notification.
  • Whitelabel – Replace the theme page slug to white-labeled theme name.
  • Improve accessibility of Mega menu, Make sure the mega menus can be accessed by using tab navigation.


  • Fix: Above header mobile menu getting incorrect width.
  • Fix: Divi builder not working on archive pages with custom layouts.
  • Fix: Toggle for menu does not work when sticky header animation is enabled.
  • Fix: Custom Layout hooks created for WooCommerce actions showing 404 pages when trying to edit them.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
February 21, 2019

Version 1.6.9


  • Filter to disable automatic logo resizing. (See Doc)
  • CSS class ast-left-align-sub-menu will change the direction navigation menu opens for all submenus. (See Doc)


  • Gutenberg – Body color not applied in the block editor when boxed layout or contained boxed layout.
  • Correctly move hook astra_head_bottom to the very bottom of the tag.


  • Transparent header logo not displayed on tablet screen sizes.
  • Fix: After changing a font in typography param it would stop previewing next fonts due to a JS error.

Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
January 30, 2019

Version 1.6.13


  • Mega menu color picker not working.
  • When Hooks from WooCommerce are selected in Custom Layouts elementor editor cannot be opened.
  • ubmenu is displayed in column layouts even if the mega menu is not enabled in a few cases.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
January 29, 2019

Version 1.6.8


  • JS error appearing in FireFox browser which blocks opening navigation menus.
  • JS errors from Astra Pro for header-sections addon due to missing JS functions.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
January 28, 2019

Version 1.6.7


  • JS Error – Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘addEventListener’ of undefined at AstraToggleSetup