Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
October 25, 2018

Version 1.5.4


  • Gutenberg Compatibility with WP 5.0-Beta.1. A few class names are changed after Gutenberg is merged to WordPress Core, This version takes these changes into account for the Gutenberg compatibility CSS.
  • Submenu CSS not correctly applied for the default menu when no navigation menu is assigned to primary menu location.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
October 19, 2018

Version 1.5.3


  • Removed default margin-bottom to images and iframes added in v1.5.2.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
October 17, 2018

Version 1.6.3


  • Page header’s CSS not being loaded correctly on the frontend.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
October 17, 2018

Version 1.5.2



  • Add new filter `astra_post_meta_separator` for changing the separator style in post meta.


  • Logo not perfectly center aligned in the mobile layout in case of stack layout.
  • Mobile menu toggle being displayed in IE devices on random intervals.
  • Minification plugins such as WP-Rocket, W3 Total Cache etc causing the mobile menu button to be hidden on small devices.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
October 17, 2018

Version 1.6.2


  • Complete Gutenberg Support: Editor Styles, Wide and full-width support.


  • Woocommerce – Label as Placeholder not working for Checkout Page.
  • Thrive editor content being lost if two layouts are loaded on a page.
  • Mobile & Sticky Logo visible together if both logo set.
  • Megamenu heading CSS applying even after disabling megamenu.
  • Sale doesn’t show the actual percentage for variable products.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
September 27, 2018

Version 1.6.1


  • Remove link pointer animation styles. We will work on these to get better animations that can be provided from the theme.
  • Add option to set border color for submenu item.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
September 27, 2018

Version 1.5.1


  • Remove link pointer animation styles. We will work on these to get better animations that can be provided from the theme.
  • Add option to set border color for submenu item.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
September 26, 2018

Version 1.6.0



  • Transition delay different for nav menu hover colors.
  • Page Header logo width not working.
  • Duplicate border for a full-width mega menu.
  • The horizontal scroll appears for a full-width mega menu.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
September 26, 2018

Version 1.5.0



  • Site Title line height is different for home/front page and other pages.
  • Submenu toggle not working when a drop-down target set to link.