Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
September 21, 2018

Version 1.6.0-RC.3


  • Link for product title in WooCommerce quick view.


  • Submenu border not working.
  • Menu sortable not working.
  • Full-width mega menu not working.
  • Top border getting applied to all the four sides of submenu container.
  • 100% Width not getting applied for the Mega Menu in IE10.
  • Horizontal scroll on the page when the Mega Menu is enabled.
  • WooCommerce product Quick view accepts order value more than stock value.
  • Center header layout with custom header breaks on IE11.
  • Mega Menu content width not getting applied in IE11.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
September 21, 2018

Version 1.5.0-RC.3


  • Post meta support for attachment page.


  • RTL styling not working in customizer.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
September 17, 2018

Version 1.6.0-RC.2


  • Enable Mega Menu option not visible in popup.
  • Megamenu not working correctly in sticky header “hide when scrolling down” option is selected.
  • A custom menu item is not center aligned when using submenu below header filter.
  • PHP Notice due to link pointer style CSS not loaded in correct WordPress action.
  • WooCommerce – External/Affiliate product issue with Ajax Add to Cart.
  • Background image displayed twice for the fullwidth mega menu.
  • Highlighted label should be center aligned
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
September 17, 2018

Version 1.5.0-RC.2


  • Menu highlight labels not working for non-mega menus.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
September 15, 2018

Version 1.6.0-RC.1


  • Updated design of the navigation menu settings popup.


  • Elementor does not work if `no-toggle` menu style is selected and the section 1/section 2 is not set for Header Sections.
  • Sale bubble styling is not working with woocommerce shortcode.
  • Mobile menu submenu icon alignment is missing when we set the label to the main menu in mobile devices.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
September 15, 2018

Version 1.5.0-RC.1


  • Submenu opens below the header instead of cropping the header. This fix introduces a padding difference of ~5px in the header hence for existing sites updating to this version this change will be disabled by default.
    You can enable this by adding a filter `add_filter( ‘astra_submenu_below_header_fix’, ‘__return_true’ );` in your child theme’s functions’php file. For all the new installations this option will be enabled by default and don’t need any snippet.

Before adding filter:

After adding filter:

  • Improvement: If the content in the header is larger the navigation menu will drop on a new line.
  • Improvement: Add correct license information for the images used in the screenshot.
  • Improvement: Add correct license information for wp-color-picker-alpha JS Library.


  • Search from the Last Item in Menu is not align vertically center.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
September 12, 2018

Version 1.5.0-beta.5


  • PHP Fatal error if the beta version of the addon is updated before the theme is updated due to missing function from the theme.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
September 12, 2018

Version 1.6.0-beta.4


  • Added widget support for Mega Menu.


  • Primary Submenu, Header Sections Submenu border option moved from Colors and Backgrounds to Layout section.


  • Space Outside Body given in % for top not working with Sticky Header.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
September 12, 2018

Version 1.5.0-beta.4


  • Added Link Pointer styles for primary menu.
  • Added Primary Header submenu border width and color.