Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
May 29, 2018

Version 1.3.4


  • Masonry effect not working in Blog Pro.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
May 28, 2018

Version v1.4.0-beta.2


  • Introduced Display on Mobile option for Above and Below Header.
  • Mobile Header options added for Above and Below Header.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
May 28, 2018

Version 1.4.0-beta.2


  • Collapse menu when clicking on the menu item with #links.
  • Hide the desktop menu markup which appeared for fraction of seconds when loading the site on mobile in some cases.


  • On Header’s search icon click menu disappears for desktop devices.
  • Update the beta branch with the latest stable release.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
May 24, 2018

Version 1.3.3


  • Add Astra Pro fields in the LifterLMS Course builder.
  • Quick View gallery now support image variation images.
  • Headers created using custom layouts work correctly with transparent headers.
  • Target Rule now allows targeting WooCommerce shop page.
  • Target Rule now allows targeting all the posts inside a taxonomy/term.
  • Added newly introduced actions in Custom Layouts addon.
  • Updated logic for Ajax add to cart to add better support for third-party WooCommercce plugins.
  • Set default background color for page headers with 0.5 so that the background image is visible by default.
  • Custom Layouts addon now supports Divi Builder.
  • Change read time string to be grammatically correct.


  • Page Headers not displayed correctly when in the customizer.
  • Ajax add-to-cart not displaying variation names in some cases.
  • Custom Layouts + Thrive Page builder fixes.
  • When WooCommerce cart is used in header layout 2. The menu is misaligned on safari 10
  • Sticky header is not working as expected with the padded layout.
  • Quick View popup adds space for the header, above-header.
  • Enable cursor for the Quick View background.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
May 22, 2018

Version 1.3.3


  • Add icon for the LifterLMS My certificates link in My account page. Switch certificate icon with achievements icon.
  • Add icon for the LifterLMS Social Learner link.
  • Added filter for editor style.
  • Increased site header z-index to 99 to fix compatibility with third-party modules.
  • Remove post navigation from LifterLMS Assignments single posts (Credits @thomasplevy)
  • Add Astra theme fields to LifterLMS builder settings (Credits @thomasplevy)
  • Hiding Overflow on Site Content is not needed and has unpredictable consequences (Credits @actual-saurabh)


  • 403 and 404 errors in customizer in some sites.
  • Learndash + LearnDash WooCommerce + Astra errors.
  • Mobile menu is displayed for until the page is completely loaded.
  • Variations product style issue with Stripe Payment Gateway.
  • Don’t override the meta settings when previewing the elementor_template.
  • Comments not visible on Pages.
  • Comments Form: Correctly align the cookie consent option.
  • Improvement in styling for the third-party plugin for variations product.
  • 404-page displaying content twice if theme builder is used.
  • CSS errors in Opera Mini browser.
  • W3 Validator errors for some Customisations.
  • Header Layout 2 misalignment on Versions Safari 10 and below when custom menu element is selected.
  • LifterLMS: Align Take Quiz and Next lesson buttons.
  • LifterLMS profile link in header layout 2 is misaligned.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
May 10, 2018

Version 1.3.2


  • Duplicate content area when using Elementor Pro’s single page template.
  • Search icon in primary menu causing the page to jump when clicked.
  • Comments box not visible on the pages.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
April 17, 2018

Version 1.3.2


  • Custom layout not saving values for “Sticky: Desktop + Mobile”.
  • Background color not working for the sticky header.
  • Background color not working on blog layouts and blog grid layouts.
  • Added a default value for link color for below header section.
  • Background param not saving when color is set to empty.
  • WP CLI commands to activate the license not working on a fresh site.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
April 17, 2018

Version 1.3.1


  • Filter `astra_site_title_tag` to change the HTML tag of the site title.


  • Improve RTL support for customizer controls.


  • Correct template part not being loaded for plugins that change the default WordPress template hierarchy. This fixes compatibility with plugins bbPress, LearnPress, PeepSo Core etc.
  • Background param color does not save then value when it is empty.
  • Learndash – Added the same icon of the LearnDash course status to the Course Navigation widget.
  • Learndash – Use theme color instead of link color for table’s heading, icons, progress bar.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
April 10, 2018

Version 1.3.1


  • Above header navigation JS error.
  • Above header background color not working.