Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
March 14, 2018

Version 1.2.4

  • New: Redesigned the welcome page.
  • Improvement: Separated the Theme Color & Link Color options.
  • Improvement: Added filter forastra_comment_form_title comments title.
  • Improvement: Load the full size of the post thumbnail by default, Pass the value through a new filter astra_post_thumbnail_default_size.
  • Improvement: Introduces filter ofastra_allowed_fullwidth_oembed_providers providers to be made full width.
  • Improvement: Don’t display post navigation on the LifterLMS Quizzes. (Props: thomasplevy)
  • Improvement: Add support for Course Builder for LifterLMS. Now Astra layout settings will be available for Quizzes in Course builder. (Props: thomasplevy)
  • Improvement: Added support for Content Layout option on LifterLMS quizzes via the builder.
  • Improvement: Load WooCommerce compatibility on WordPress action wp instead of init to improve compatibility with some third party plugins.
  • Fixed: Make the LifterLMS course videos full width.
  • Fixed: Black bars appearing when the video is made full width in the LearnDash course/lesson.
  • Fixed: Fatal error while editing the Elementor with Astra shortcode for the mini cart is used on a page.
  • Fixed: Fatal error if using PHP 5.2.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
March 14, 2018

Version 1.3.0-beta.2

Updated Learnndash branch with the latest stable release.

Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
March 14, 2018

Version 1.3.0-beta.2

Updated Learnndash branch with the latest stable release.

Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
March 7, 2018

Version 1.3.0-beta.1

The best theme for LearnDash gets better with Astra Pro in  ???

Download the beta version from your account on our store and try the beta version. Documentation will be added shortly.

Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
March 7, 2018

Version 1.3.0-beta.1

The best theme for LearnDash is here ???

LearnDash Layout Option

Download the beta version from your account on our store and try the beta version. Documentation will be added shortly.

Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
February 26, 2018

Version 1.2.0

Astra Pro v1.2.0 is finally here ?

Some of the Highlights of v1.2.0

  • Introduced Spacing Addon. Check out the documentation for the Spacing Addon.
  • Introduced LifterLMS Addon. Check out the documentation for LifterLMS Addon.
  • Added Typography and Color options for WooCommerce.
  • New shortcode [astra_woo_mini_cart] to display cart icon anywhere you want. Check out the documentation for the shortcode

Be sure check out the changelogs of all the beta versions of v1.2.0 for the complete list of changes.


  • Fixed a bug where too many cache files were being created on some of the hosting providers.
  • Move Site layout options into Container Layout.
  • Woocommerce Single Product Ajax add to cart is activated then related products and upsells not able to add to the cart.
  • Display Author only for the post, not for any custom post type.
  • Corrected the global translations directory to be – `wp-content/languages/plugin/<translation-file>`. Earlier this global directory was `wp-content/languages/<translation-file>` Which differed from what we are recommending in the translation documentation –
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
February 20, 2018

Version 1.2.3


  • Added shortcode support for Footer bar custom text section.
  • Updated Container layout strings for Default, Pages, Blog Posts, Blog Archives & WooCommerce.
  • Updated strings for Body & Content Font Family & Font Weight.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
February 14, 2018

Version 1.2.0-beta.4


  • Now you can add responsive width for the Transparent Header & Sticky Header Logo.
  • Added WooCommerce General typography and color options.
  • Cart in the menu can be used on Above Header as well as Below Header.
  • New shortcode [astra_woo_mini_cart] to display cart icon anywhere you want.


  • Renamed Action astra_woo_quick_view_product_summary and deprecate astra_woo_qv_product_summary action.
  • Added Thrive architect support for Custom Layout.
  • Site Layout options moved to Container section.


  • Blog Pagination not working with Woocommerce addon.
  • Quick view not working for infinite pagination.
  • The quick view modal position below when Sticky Header activated.
  • Display Author only for post, not for any custom post type
  • Affiliate single product ajax add to cart not redirecting to the affiliate URL.
  • Custom Menu Item for Page Headers HTML markup being not rendered to the front end.
  • Quick View loader not working in the WooCommerce shortcode.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
February 14, 2018

Version 1.2.2


  • Now you can add responsive width for the Site Logo.
  • Option to set the Content width to shop page.
  • Grid option for LifterLMS membership.


  • WooCommerce Star rating will be displayed even if a product has 0 rating for consistency in alignments in the product grid.
  • Added blockquote border color as theme/link color with 0.05 opacity
  • Updated LifterLMS Quiz Styles.
  • Disabled automatic page builder compatibility for blog posts.


  • Footer widget spacings were not being saved in the customizer.
  • Incorrect alignment of the menu when using menu plugins.
  • Blog width being applied to the WooCommerce archive pages.
  • WooCommerce shop grid incorrect alignment when changing the mobile device orientation on iOS Safari.
  • Allow WooCommerce mini cart to be extended from the Astra Pro.
  • Fixed the style of category list on the Shop Page.
  • Update all the `` URLs to https scheme.
  • Submenu not correctly aligned with the parent menu item.
  • oEmbed’s adding extra padding causing whitespace below them.