Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
January 18, 2018

Version 1.1.5


  • Slightly improved the size of WooCommerce cart icon in header for small devices for better accessibility.
  • Improved woocommerce invalid input field default color.


  • Alignment of empty cart message to the left in header cart.
  • Updated the size of coupon button for small devices.
  • Removed single product tabs background color.
  • Updated the position of product category widget counts to the right.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
January 15, 2018

Version 1.1.0-beta.1


Off Canvas Filtering

Brand new List Style

Hover Effects for images

Grid box shadow

Quick View

Horizontal / Vertical Gallery

Ajax Add to cart on single product page

Product Navigation

Two Step Checkout

Distraction Free Checkout

Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
January 14, 2018

Version 1.1.4


  • Woocommerce shortcode grid style conflict.
  • Woocommerce Cart option renamed to Cart Page.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
January 9, 2018

Version 1.0.4


  • When featured image overlay is used in a page header it disables the featured image from search results page.
  • Custom Layouts – Wrapper closing issue with PHP snippet.
  • Page Header & Transparent Header on mobile causing content to be pushed above.
  • Customizer Preview fatal error for WordPress 4.9 and older version.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
January 8, 2018

Version 1.1.3


  • Updated Single Product review style when there is no review.
  • Updated Single product without review condition which caused an error for some plugins.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
January 4, 2018

Version 1.1.2


  • Updated default styling for the related products in WooCommerce single page to be correctly responsive.
  • Updated the theme screenshot and updated license declaration for the images used in the screenshot.


  • Infinite scroll pagination not displaying Read More buttons.
  • Added woocommerce shortcode grid support for responsive devices.
  • Products grid style updated for Desktop.
  • Incorrect URL for the WooCommerce loading icon.
  • Deprecated filter fatal error in WordPress 4.5 & below.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
December 28, 2017

Version 1.1.1


  • Added option to display inline the logo and site title/site description.
Inline Logo & Site Title
  • New filter astra_woocommerce_integration to disable WooCommerce integration in Astra.
  • New  filter astra_enqueue_theme_assets to disable loading of Astra’s CSS and JS.


  • PHP notice in the small footer on PHP 7.2
  • Updated woocommerce Related products design for responsive devices.
  • Deprecated filter fatal error in WordPress 4.5 & below.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
December 28, 2017

Version 1.0.3


  • Support for the WordPress code editor when using code editor in Custom Layouts.
  • Custom Layouts – Added support for WooCommerce Hooks when using hook.


  • Correctly display white label plugin name in missing places.
  • Page header featured image overlay all the featured images on the pages.
  • Add missing closing <span> in the scroll to top markup.
  • Blog Pro masonry grid not aligned correctly on Safari.
  • Header markup duplicating even if the sticky header is not enabled.
  • Blog pro infinite scroll not working after more than 10 posts.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
December 21, 2017

Version 1.1.0


  • Added Woocommerce complete support.
  • Added option for Custom Menu Item to Display Outside Menu in primary header.
  • Organized customizer layout panels.


  • Missing Structured Data microformat.