Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
November 10, 2017

Version 1.0.30


  • Regression in v1.0.29 which caused site logo to be full width if using an SVG image.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
November 10, 2017

Version 1.0.29


  • Added new filters `astra_post_read_more` and `astra_post_read_more_class` to change the custom text and custom class to the read more text for blog posts


  • Site SVG logo only visible if site title is enabled in some cases.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
November 4, 2017

Version v1.0.28


  • Set correct page meta settings on themer layouts if they are empty.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
November 3, 2017

Version v1.0.27


  • Astra meta box support added to BB Themer for single, 404 and archive page.


  • Renamed filter `astra_sigle_post_navigation_enabled` to `astra_single_post_navigation_enabled`. The older filter will keep working but it is recommended to change to the new filter.


  • Two primary menu navigation drop-down icon visible for responsive devices.
  • Remove empty div for responsive devices if primary menu and custom menu item is disabled
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
October 23, 2017

Version v1.0.26


  • Duplicate menu drop-down toggle appearing on mobile devices
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
October 23, 2017

Version v1.0.25


  •  Updated the theme screenshot and correct license details for the screenshot.


  • Astra’s menu CSS being applied to the Elementor’s menu when used as a replacement in the header.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
October 17, 2017

Version v1.0.0-rc.9


  • Transparent Header Addon
  • Now design Header & Footer directly from Custom Layouts Addon (Formerly Advanced Hooks Addon)


  • Improvement: Renamed Advanced Headers Addon to Page Headers.
  • Improvement: Renamed Advanced Hooks Addon Custom Layouts.
  • Improvement: Custom Layouts – Automatically enabled Beaver Builder and Elementor.
  • Improvement: Header Sections – Background Color picker with opacity option added in the Customizer.


  • Page Headers – Allow Template to be overridden from the child theme.
  • Page Headers – Page content text overlap on page headers.
  • Sticky Header – Fade animation effect is not applied to top bar.
  • Typography – Font Family for Headings was inherited from the body, now it will be correctly inherited from Heading Font Family.
  • White Label – Theme’s welcome page, site footer’s author name, author URI missing from the white label.
  • Removed category word on custom post-types category archive in page headers.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
October 13, 2017

Version v1.0.24


  • Save the current theme version in the database so that it can be used for data processing on theme upgrades.
Team Astra Profile Pic
Team Astra
October 12, 2017

Version v1.0.23


  • Whitelabel from Astra Pro now updates the strings on Astra’s welcome page as well.
  • Renamed filter `astra_color_palletes` to `astra_color_palettes`. The older filter will keep working but it is recommended to change to the new filter.


  • Mobile navigation breakpoint not working on IE11 and Edge.